Subject: Dispelling the myth of man caused "Global Warming ."
From: Bill Squires
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 08:23:57 -0400
To: A Friend

Since you are a person that understands science and math. The proof is simple and I'll be direct.
First we need to understand that any green house effect is not just about CO2; but the atmosphere as a whole.  It's the overall coefficient of that system that determines any greenhouse effect that might be present. This gives rise to the following calculations based on known coefficients and hard science not conjecture.

There exists an equation that says the temperature of that system  "t"  can be predicted using the coefficient of that system. Where t= f(x). The "x" is the overall Coefficients of that system. Since this model uses the laws of Thermodynamics we can run the system in isolation and do not need to consider extraneous variables. We don't have to consider for example the output of the sun, geothermal output or number of SUVs on the planet but can consider them constant for the sake of computation to see what effect a change in a particular component plays in the overall system. We do not need to look at tree rings or ice core data since this model uses straight forward simple mathematics and not statistics. The starting temperature of the earth can be obtained using the global temperature monitoring system to give us a starting point for the equation to see if the equation is giving consistent reasonable results. We know that if the atmosphere was nearly 100% CO2 things would be very hot indeed. So we would expect our function to indicate that result.

The coefficients and percentage of composition for the various gases in the air are as follows:

The coefficient represents the rate at which a known gas will give up it’s heat. The smaller the coefficient is the more heat that gas retains and the larger the green house effect will be. CO2 is the best gas for retention of heat with the smallest coefficient at 0.0146. Argon is a close second.

Using a weighted average where each gas that makes up the atmosphere and it's coefficient  are combined to get the working coefficient of the  over all system. We know for example that Air has a coefficient of 0.024. When we take each gas individually and compute the working coefficient of the  over all system we get the same coefficients as for that of combined air or again 0.024 which was experimentally obtained.

We can now take the calculated coefficient for air and plug it into the equation for a green house "t=f(x)" to set the base line for the computation using the known temperature of the earth from the global temperature system as of March 2007 and the known amount of CO2 at the time. In March of 2007 the global temperature monitoring system reported that the average global temperature was 57.43°F and the amount of CO2 present was 0.0389%. Using the equation and the overall coefficient for air we get the following result. This is an indication that the Thermodynamic function for a green house is working correctly.

Varying the amount of CO2 in the air changes the coefficient and thus any green house effect that it might cause. The table that follows uses 10 significant places as the change would be too small to see if less figures were used. This gives rise to the following table were various amounts, percentages of CO2 are introduced into the system to obtain any change in green house effect based on a changing coefficient:

The indication is that changing a small amount of CO2 present in the atmosphere has little or no effect on global temperature and is directly related to the overall green house coefficient of air.  In fact  by the time any noticeable change occurred from CO2 people would be dying of asphyxiation and not higher temperatures.  The chart also confirms that if the earth was at 100% CO2 the temperature would be extremely high. So there is every reason to believe that the coefficient method accurately predicts small changes in the effect of CO2 and any resulting temperature change.

The climate system of the earth is more complicated than this simple model. However the model is used to only show the role that CO2 plays in the overall Global Temperature. A rise in CO2 is absorbed by plants for example. These plants turn CO2 into Oxygen and use the Carbon to build the body of the plant.  Reducing the amount of CO2 will make it harder for plant life to exist and will end up killing us all.  This model is based on the hard science of coefficients and not the scattered statistical speculation of junk science.

The overall point being is there isn't a large enough change in the coefficient to make any real difference and therefore there will not be a large change in the retention of heat in the system and thus no substantial 'Green House' effect exists.

Polar bear eating seal carcass
Doing just fine.
